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Admission Price: $225

Have you always wanted to try backpacking, or perhaps haven’t done so for a while, and feel that it may now be beyond your ability?  This trip is designed to encourage you to come out on an adventure that is designed for you. We will ensure a light pack, a leisurely pace and a fairly level trail that encourages us to look up and around, enjoying our time as we journey together.

Our total hike will take us about 2 1/2 miles to a beautiful setting under a grove of hemlock trees.  (It’s not your home mattress,  sure but a soft pine forest floor isn’t bad for one night!) There may be other questions as well, so there will be a pre-trip virtual meeting to talk through concerns and answer any lingering questions before we meet up for the trip. Let us work with you to ensure a safe and comfortable overnight in the woods.

We will meet at Faith UM Church in Montoursville, PA, to outfit everyone and then carpool to the trailhead just north of Williamsport. Cost for the trip is $225 per person and all backpack equipment and food is provided. A list of needed items for each person to bring will be provided. Deep Green Journey is committed to ensuring that anyone who would like to join us for a backpacking experience is able to do so. Every trip offers scholarships and a variety of pricing options to provide accessibility to all.

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