A Mexican family, who lives in a railway car, travel across the country as the father works in the repair and construction of railways. This prevents the family from settling in one place for a while and for the son to attend school. However, at the last stop, the son makes friends with three classmates who are students of Georgina, a teacher who does everything possible for her students to learn despite precarious circumstances. Enjoyable film for families with teens and older.
About Brain/Food: All are welcome to Brain/Food, where discussions of fiction, poetry and films and lectures will take place on Thursday evenings at 7 PM at the DeWire Center unless noted otherwise. Brain/Food events are free, but we hope you will show your support by becoming a member or making a donation. There will be a potluck supper preceding the evening’s program beginning at 6 PM. Supper attendees are asked to bring a dish to share. Beverages will be provided. For additional information, please call Betsy Beaugard, 570-525-3381.