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Monday, Wednesday, & Friday July 29, 31, & August 2
9:00 AM- 12 PM

Class limited to 12
$100 per person, materials included
Ages 16+

This course is designed for the beginner or intermediate artist. Various media such as graphite, charcoal, and colored pencil will be utilized as participants use the art elements of line, shape, and value to build their images on various paper types. An observational approach that uses still life in a studio setting will be emphasized. All materials will be supplied.

Gerry Mann is a retired educator with 31 years of teaching experience in the arts and sciences. After 17 years of instruction in biological, earth, and environmental sciences, he transitioned to the art studio in 2004. In 2007, he earned his Master’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University in painting and printmaking, and then in 2013 he became a National Board Certified art instructor. During his last 14 years in the classroom, he taught all levels of secondary art including college-level drawing and design through the College Board’s Advanced Placement program. Landscapes are his favorite subject, and he currently paints when time permits as he works to finish a retirement home in Laporte.

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