Rain date is June 28.
Class limited to 4, see camera requirements below.
In lieu of tuition, students may donate any amount they are comfortable with to the Sullivan County Food Pantry, PO Box 55, Dushore, PA 18614
Learn the secrets of bird photography from Eagles Mere’s own Rick Liebert, award-winning wildlife photographer. Class begins with a 1-2 hour class session on fundamentals of exposure and composition, followed by a 2-3 hour local field trip to take photographs. Spend the final hour in the classroom observing how to use Adobe Light Room for post-processing, which will reinforce concepts of exposure and composition discussed in the morning session and illustrate what can be done after the photo is taken. Students will finish up with their photos online so they will be easily downloadable for post-processing (if still needed), printing, and sharing. Bring your own lunch.
This class is designed for a camera with a lens that can “reach” at least 300 mm. Perhaps those with equipment will share.
To register for this class, email Rick Liebert at rwliebert@frontier.com