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Kids show off their crafts during the Families in Nature program

At Tunkhannock’s Riverside Park
For ages 3 to 8 & caregivers
From 10:30 -11:30 a.m.
Tuesday Session – May 7, 14, 21, 28
Wednesday Session – May 8, 15, 22, 29
Instructor: Terra McAulliffe
Cost: Free
Sponsored by: Endless Mountains Heritage Region, DCNR, and the Wyoming County Commissioners

Through science-based exploration and outdoor play, children and their caregivers will have an opportunity to explore several learning activities based on the week’s theme where children can practice fine motor skills, sensory investigation, creativity, and math and literacy skills. Families in Nature is a great way to get outside with your children, foster curiosity, and explore the natural world. Call 570-836-1022 x3 to register.


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