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A group of kids at a vista overlooking the Vosburg Neck

Hike, Bike & Paddle I for Grades 6-8
Hike, Bike & Paddle II for Grades 9-12
July 7-12
$545 / $645 / $745

You will have a chance to do physical challenges while enjoying the fantastic Susquehanna River. Hike on some of the amazing trails along the river. Test your biking skills on mountain trails. Paddle one of the oldest and most majestic rivers in the world. Live several days with a group of other campers away from the main camp, sleeping out under the stars and cooking your own meals. It will be your most unforgettable week of the summer.

​All equipment will be provided.

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Outdoor Recreation Guide

Need more information on the Endless Mountains? Request a print copy of the outdoor recreation guide or you can view the guide online.

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