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Orange kayak in the Susquehanna River with a mountain in the background

Whether you’re new to kayaking or looking for a refresher, join Susquehanna Kayak & Canoe Rentals for an immersive course on paddling in moving water. Our experienced guides will provide comprehensive instruction, covering gear essentials, types of kayaks, paddle techniques, and the proper entrance and exit of your craft.

Duration: Two Hours

What You’ll Learn:

  • Review of essential gear and kayak types
  • Proper techniques for paddling, steering, and maneuvering
  • Strategies for avoiding obstacles and reading moving water
  • Handling a kayak in a strong headwind
  • Capsizing and recovery techniques

Course Details:

  • Launching from Falls Park
  • Paddling instruction both upstream and downstream
  • Learning to enter and exit your craft safely
  • Techniques for paddling in a strong headwind
  • Navigation tips to avoid obstacles in the water
  • Capsizing and recovery training
  • Reading and understanding moving water
  • Planning your own kayaking trip


  • Cost: $40.00 per participant
  • Includes all equipment and transportation

Reservation Details:

To ensure personalized attention and one-on-one instruction, reservations are required. The lesson begins at 1:00 pm.

Join us for a fun and educational experience on the water! For reservations or inquiries, contact us at info@kayaktheriver.com or call 570-388-6107.

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