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A brand new, two-day arts event in historic downtown Montrose, PA.

“Famous Artists Scavenger Hunt” – spot the famous artist in a gallery, shop, restaurant, or along the street. Collect their signatures to enter the prize drawing. Follow the MAW Flags around town to participating businesses and restaurants.

“Homage to our Favorite Famous Artist” exhibit by Slanted Art Cooperative Gallery members in the Reimel Centre.

Live concerts, theatre, and dance on the Reimel Stage throughout the weekend. Presentations by area arts and tourism organizations.

Plein aire artist painting throughout the downtown area.

Art classes, art tableaus, and art demonstrations at Slanted Art Cooperative Gallery. Art tableaus in windows throughout town.

Quaint shops, eateries, boutiques, and restaurants located in historic downtown Montrose, PA.

Art-themed dishes at participating restaurants.

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