SGL 66 is located in the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s (PGC) Northeast Region. It lies within Cherry and Colley Townships in Sullivan County and Forkston Township in Wyoming County. The Game Lands are approximately 5 miles east of the borough of Dushore, and 3 miles northeast of the village of Lopez. The topography is mostly flat, with some steep side hill facing SR 87 on the north.
SGL 66 is predominately a red maple forest, with a wide variety of hardwood species and several conifer species also present. Common hardwood species found are American beech, black cherry, sugar maple, black birch, yellow poplar, and aspen. Conifer species include hemlock and white pine. Forest age distribution is heavily weighted towards the 21-39 and 40-80 year age classes.
The principal species hunted on SGL 66 are white tail deer, black bear, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, woodcock, pheasants, gray squirrel, and waterfowl. Furbearers also provide opportunities for the sportsman with beaver, mink, raccoon, gray fox, bobcat, and eastern coyote.
SGL 66 is located within Important Mammal Area 28 (Ricketts Glen State Park/SGL 57, 13, 66) which was created due to the critical bat hibernacula located in this area. SGL 66 is also within Important Bird Area 48 (Dutch Mountain Wetlands) and IBA 49 (Ricketts Glen State Park-Creveling Lake Area) with inhabitants that include bald eagles, osprey, American bitterns, and concentrations of forest interior species.
The overall goal for SGL 66 is to manage for mixed successional habitat. Forest management will focus on balancing the age class distribution with the use of even-aged management along with extending the forest age class distribution of a few stands to provide various habitat attributes for various game and non game species.
Improvement and maintenance of wildlife openings habitat are objectives for non-forested habitats.