The Endless Mountains War Memorial Museum in Sonestown is a large collection of war memorabilia from all eras with emphasis on the WWII period. Since its opening in 1998, the museum has evolved from a private collection to one of the largest collections
of memorabilia in the Northeast United States.
At present, the Endless Mountains War Memorial Museum represents a group of volunteers along with founder, Jack Craft, who work together to present special events held at the museum. They also take military memorabilia and living history out on their “Road Shows” to area schools, fairs, and veteran-related events, and they participate in parades that honor veterans throughout the year.
The museum is nonprofit 501(c)(3) and operates entirely from donations and a membership base. The volunteers who help as tour guides, living history, and road show crews are a mix of veterans and patriots that love history and realize the importance of America’s heritage and the veterans that preserve it.
Regular operational hours are from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturdays and 12:00 to 5:00 Sundays. Other hours throughout the week are possible on appointment only. Due to road show commitments, it is a good idea to call or email before your visit.